Creating custom shape in photoshop is relatively easy task, but what if you want to create it using multiple elements? This tutorial explains very easy technique to accomplish this task. We could use Illustrator to create such a thing, but I thought it would be interesting to make it in photoshop.
Screencast – How to create custom shape
[flashvideo file=”tuts/custom_shape/” title=”Creating Custom Shape from multiple elements in Photoshop” description=”Creating custom shape in photoshop is relatively easy task, but what if you want to create it using multiple elements? This tutorial explains very easy technique to accomplish this task. We could use Illustrator to create such a thing, but I thought it would be interesting to make it in photoshop.” tags=”photoshop, custom shape, creating custom shape, custom shape from path, custom shape from multiple elements” title=”Creating Custom Shape from multiple elements in Photoshop” image=”tuts/custom_shape/our-shape_vid.png” /]
I hope you like it. If you know any different interesting ways of creating custom shapes in Photoshop, feel free to comment below.